"There will soon be no more priests: their work is done.
A superior breed shall take their place, the gangs of kosmos…
shall take their place…And every man shall be his own priest…"
-Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
The Vision is forming…
Gangs of the Kosmos is a theatre dedicated to the development and production of visionary plays, myths, fairy tales and spoken word; designed to illuminate as well as entertain. It is theatre that provokes us to live adventurously—from the heart—taking responsibility for our spiritual insight and poetic imagination. The theatrical works presented inspire a humane, love-powered world, plunging us first into our darkness then dramatizing our metamorphosis so that we realize we are more than the sum of our broken selves. It is a theatre of transformation rather than a theatre of distraction. It is a Theatre of Soul.
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Body to Light
Directed by A Martinez
Santa Monica Playhouse
Santa Monica, CA

Actors: Laurie O'Brien, Leigh J. McCloskey, Michael Stahler, Ren Martinez, Gayle Elliott
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Anais Nin: Woman of the Dream
Electric Lodge
Venice, CA

Actors: Elyse Ashton, Ava Penner, Jasmine Albquerque, Kevin Scott Allen
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Quanta of Love
Electric Lodge
Venice, CA

Actors: Devon Martinez, Herve Clermont, A Martinez
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The Holding
The Antaeus Company
North Hollywood, CA

Actors: JD Cullum, Anne Gee Byrd, Karen Strassman, Will Monroe, Stephanie Lehrer